Tales Of The Inexpressible, originally released in 2001, was a much-anticipated and well-loved successor to Shpongle's first album. Here, Simon and Raja take us on a journey through their musical worlds, full of influences garnered on their travels to the four corners of the earth.
Dorset Perception 8:12
Star Shpongled Banner 8:23
A New Way To Say "Hooray!" 8:32
Room 2ૐ 5:05
My Head Feels Like A Frisbee 8:52
Shpongleyes 8:56
Once Upon The Sea Of Blissful Awareness 7:30
Around The World In A Tea Daze 11:21
Flute Fruit 2:09
Dorset Perception 8:12
Star Shpongled Banner 8:23
A New Way To Say "Hooray!" 8:32
Room 2ૐ 5:05
My Head Feels Like A Frisbee 8:52
Shpongleyes 8:56
Once Upon The Sea Of Blissful Awareness 7:30
Around The World In A Tea Daze 11:21
Flute Fruit 2:09