Original motion picture soundtrack composed by Christopher Young. The music of Pet Sematary is dark, dissonant, and synth driven to create an atmosphere of dread and grief that spirals violently out of control. Young sonically captures the ominous supernatural element of the film and it's story with his decades long experience of expertly scoring some of the most notable and beloved horror movies, ever.
A1 The Wendigo
A2 The Maine Road
A3 But The Cat Has No Hat
A4 Underground Terrors
B5 Fielding Fine
B6 Scream For More
B7 Dead Alive Again
B8 Church Isn't Church
C9 Un-Hallowed Even
C10 Fouled Soil
C11 Echo Angels
C12 Just Not The Same
D13 Watching The Dead Do
D14 Die Daddy Die
D15 Wasn't The Beginning?
D16 Pet Sematary
A1 The Wendigo
A2 The Maine Road
A3 But The Cat Has No Hat
A4 Underground Terrors
B5 Fielding Fine
B6 Scream For More
B7 Dead Alive Again
B8 Church Isn't Church
C9 Un-Hallowed Even
C10 Fouled Soil
C11 Echo Angels
C12 Just Not The Same
D13 Watching The Dead Do
D14 Die Daddy Die
D15 Wasn't The Beginning?
D16 Pet Sematary